The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Monday, August 22, 2011

Round two of camping!

This weekend we went camping for the second time with Kaisley. Laura and Monica came up from SLC and we were the lucky ones who got to sleep in the camper with Grandma and Grandpa. Kaisley slept AMAZINGLY through the night. She got up at 6:30 both mornings though, but that is usually the time that we wake up anyways.
Dad brought up Laura's Sea Kayak to Lake Cleaveland and we all took turns after we went for a walk around the lake. Here is Jason and Scooter. Jason dunked Scooter off of the Kayak and I swear he probably hit the bottom he was under for so long. No wonder Scooter runs away from Jason most of the time :0).

Kiley got a few bites but he wasn't really actively fishing :0)

Laura's turn

She is a pro! (She is used to going in the Ocean!)

My turn

There goes Kiley

Kohl stayed and watched Kiley until he came back

First time Aunt Laura got to hold baby Kaisley. Last time she saw her she was sick. Laura and I went on a 4 mile hike. We were planning on doing 14 but it was taking us too long and I don't like to leave baby Kais.

LOVES to chew on those hands :0)

SOOO SLEEPY!! Aunt Monica loves Kaisley

Packing up camp. Laura wasn't there because she ran 16 miles to Declo for training for her marathon!! I was thinking about riding a bike next to her but I couldn't be away from Kais for that long.

Our FIRST family picture! Can't believe it's taken this long to get the three of us in one!
While camping there was a HUGE thunder and lightning storm! Kaisley slept through the whole thing with the girls in the camper while the boys went up to the lookout tower to watch the storm. Not the brightest idea to go to the top of the mountain but luckily no one got hurt. I was teased mercilessly for running when thunder rumbled right over the top of us. It wouldn't have been so bad if I ran in one direction but instead I ran in circles :0). Mom made THE BEST dutch oven potatoes and the S'Mores were to die for!

When we got home Kaisley seemed so happy. She loved to be in her swing, on her mat, and on Daddy's lap!

LOVE them :0)

August- a month of firsts!

August is a big month of firsts for Kaisley.....

She is starting to reach for things....

She follows mobils and looks at things further and further away...

She loves to look around

She smiles and coos a lot... especially in the morning

instead of eating her hand when she feels it touch her face, she knows now how to bring her hand straight to her mouth to chew on

First time in Bumbo Chair!

The other day I put her in her chair on my bathroom counter and she watched me put makeup on. She smiled and was wide eyed the whole time!

First time Aunt Laura got to hold Kais since last time she saw her she was sick.

First time with painted toes! Which is suprisingly hard with such little toenails, even on a sleeping baby that still wiggles when she sleeps!

She can scoot herself sideways and up and down. We can't wait for more firsts from our baby girl!

Weekend with Lexi

Last week we had a busy weekend. To start off on Friday, Jason called me saying him and his friends were in trouble and needed help. He was driving the Cavalier to Twin Falls and it broke down in the middle of a construction zone between the freeway and the Perrine Bridge. I went and picked them up and dropped them off at the mall and when Kiley got off of work we took the truck to tow the car to a parking lot. When we got Jason hooked up we started to go and pulled into the road but Jason's steering wheel was locked up and he couldn't turn, when we finally got that corrected he came unhooked twice before we got moving and then again infront of Outback. Ky jumped out to hook it back up but I thought he was going to push the car so I started driving away.... the strap was under Jason's tire and almost snapped. Needless to say it was quite the ordeal and Dad had to drive up from Declo to tow it home. Lexi came up on Saturday and she kept us on our toes and we were super busy! We went for a walk first thing down at Rock Creek Park. Lexi brought her scooter but got tired very quickly. We told her that we would go all the way to the Willow tree and then turn around. Lexi was pointing at every tree along the path asking if it was the Willow tree so I explained to her that a Willow tree is the same as Mother tree in Pocahontas. When we got there we played for a bit.
Lexi on the rocks

Kais sleeping

Throwing sticks

Kohl can climb trees! :0)

Lexi fell in right there. Right after she told Uncle Kiley to be careful because Pocahontas was a really good tree climber. lol

Yup! still sleeping!!

Lexi playing on the slip n slide. Our neighbor Kara came over to play with Lexi. She told Lexi that her mom was going to have a baby and it's name would be baby Kaisley! Lexi was amazed because there would be TWO baby Kaisleys

She let me dress her up and take pictures

Ky and I teased eachother all day that Kaisley was a boy in this outfit. We called her baby Kash because Kashton is a name we like for a boy if we have one in the future.
All and all it was a crazy weekend. We invited Jake and Jessica over for Cafe Rio pulled pork burritos that I made and I think everyone was a little surprised that they tasted so good :o)