The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kaisley's First Laugh!

Yesterday was the first time that Kaisley laughed. She has made noises that sounded like giggles before but yesterday I was making noises while moving her up and down and she full on laughed at me! I was so happy I started crying and called Kiley who was leaving SLC for work and she did a half laugh for him on the phone!

This wasn't when Kaiser laughed, she was just playing around with Dad!
Such chubby cheeks!
Kais watching "My Baby Can Read." She coos at the t.v. when it's on :0)
She is such a sweetheart!

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Football Game

September 9, 2011 was Kaisley's 3 month Birthday and her first football game! We went to Declo to watch Uncle Jason play and Declo beat Kimberley 12-7.

 Jason did amazing as usual. :0) We can say that because we are his biggest fans!!

Everyone loved Kaisley's jersey to cheer for Uncle Jason. 
 She loves to suck and chew on anything close to her mouth :0)
 Can't get enough of this doll!!

When we got back to my parents house we found this.......
 the culprit......
This is the naughtiest thing Kohl has ever done in her dog life!! She was outside and my parents think she was scared from the cannons from the football game but we just think she was upset that Scooter (my parents weiner dog) was inside. She tore the flap off of the doggie door ($23.50 at PetSmart to replace) and ripped up the carpet and shredded it!! Needless to say we were very upset and Kohl got into lots of trouble.

After that ordeal we went to DQ for dinner and Kaisley got passed around by everyone :0) I had a mini caramel brownie blizzard and Kiley got his traditional cookie dough blizzard. All in all it was a fun day and we made some more first memories of our precious baby girl!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Kaisley's Blessing

Yet another fun weekend! Friday we took Kaisley to her first fair with Jake, Jessica, and Kara Leigh. We were able to test out Kaisley's new carrier that you strap to your body and she did fairly good for most of the event. We saw horses, chickens, cows, and even emu's.

 HAD to stop at a Smokin' Cowboys BBQ stand for dinner but before we could make it to the mini doughnut stand Kaisley insisted on going home. (Mom's diet secretly thanked her :0)
Saturday we had our favorite cousins over! Tiff, Jon, and Hayden met baby Kaisley for the first time. I think she recognized their voices because she let them just hold her forever when sometimes she can get fussy with other people for not so long.

 Hayden, of course, is still as cute as ever and loved to play with Kohl. She was sleeping by Kaisley's swing and Hayden was walking around the house for ten minutes looking for her. Even standing just feet from her he kept looking over her!

We took a few quick pictures of their family and Tiffany snapped some good ones of us!

Afterwards we had Pizza Hut and played Catch Phrase. We didn't have Kaisley in her crib that night to avoid waking up Hayden and she didn't go to sleep until almost 2:00 a.m.! This made us very nervous that she would be fussy the next day. Kiley and I were both very frustrated that night because to top it all off the air conditioning broke!! But Kiley knows how to make it better and I woke up to flowers the next morning :0)

Sunday was Kaisley's blessing and we were so happy that she didn't fuss at all and Kiley did an amazing job! I guess that the men in the circle were all having a little bit of a struggle balancing Kaisley just right and her head was flopping from side to side, but not dropping her was great!! We didn't realize when we bought Kaisley's dress at the time but the size was 6-9 months! Way to big for the little girl! The bonnet didn't even touch her head! but she still made it look cute!

Afterwards the family came over for lunch. It was so nice to have so many people we love in one place.

 Hayden and Jaxon found great buds in each other. They sneakily disappeared for awhile and when they came back Hayden was covered in dust with weeds in his hair. Boys will be boys!!

That night we went to Mt. Harrison with our family for camping. We had a delicious Dutch Oven meal and lots of laughs. Especially over Jason's shuffle and Mom trying to sing "on the roof top top of the world." Quotes of the weekend: "I'm TRANSFORMING!!" "So 12 o'clock Tuesday is Monday's Midnight?" "It's coming right at me!" and "I'm going to give a camel a piggyback ride to a rice patty and then pick a baby tea leaf." We stayed up until 2 a.m. making for very tired parents for Kaisley. We all played volleyball and washer boards. Grandma and Grandpa brought up watermelon (they have about 80 at home!!) and cantaloupe that was delicious. Such a fun labor day weekend and we couldn't have asked for better people to spend it with!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Goodbye August

Kaisley has been so fun this last month. She SMILES and coos at herself in the mirror, and her new thing is to blow as many bubbles as she can. I don't know how she manages to smile and blow bubbles at the same time but yesterday she had a full goatee of them. I was thinking it was time to put a bib on her and then I put just a few more accessories on her as well:
I thought it was funny :0)
Kiley said it looks like she came back from working with the elves at the North Pole.

She thought it was funny too!

Getting back from Stake Conferance

Kaisley was cuddling with Kiley in bed. She stared at the ceiling fan for probably five minutes without moving or anything. She did get a "deer in the headlights" look from the flash of the camera. Still cute.