The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Month #4 firsts!

Yesterday Kaisley rolled over. I was playing with her on the couch and set her down deep into the couch to get something from the kitchen, when I turned around she had rolled over and was looking around with a HUGE smile on her face!!! She is also getting to the stage where she LOVES to play and thinks we are hilarious!

This is her new bouncer. She holds herself up really well but still has some growing to do before she reaches the ground! She loves the toys and lights.

She has learned that kicking in her bouncer makes it funner, so she spends a lot more time in it without extra toys to keep her entertained. It is also a good spot for her to watch Kohl walk around :0) Occasionally Kohl will come sniff her but she is very trustworthy around Kaisley. She knows to be careful. She even knows she isn't allowed to walk on the blankets that Kais is playing on.

Weekend of family

Last weekend we went to Declo for a football game and to spend time with family. Declo played Gooding and it was predicted that Gooding would win but they lost!! Jason was injured from last weekends game and the coach wanted to save him for the following game so Jason only played for two plays. While in Declo, I took Laura's pictures and she took some of us. We got some really good ones!

Football Game!        

She is the best!!

I took these at our house

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Yesterday Kaisley and I went to the Burley Butte to give Grandpa Gillette some parts for his chopper. While we were there we saw a cow elk in the corn field that the guys were trying to get into the open so J.D. could harvest it. The elk had made the great escape though! After all the corn was cut down it was no where to be seen.

Kaisley was so content and happy in the chopper!

The best picture I could get of the two of us

The windmills out of the chopper window

Such a happy little girl!!

Grandma came to bring Grandpa and Aunt Monica dinner. Kaisley loves her Grandma!

The demo chopper we rode in and the windmills on the butte

Grandpa was so impressed with what a happy baby Kaisley is. She just chewed on those fingers and looked out the window at all of the corn being turned into silage! I love Harvest time and hope that Kaisley can grow up with memories of riding with Grandpa in the chopper like I have :0)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Another Week...

Last week we drove to Boise to see Kiley's father in law Joe in the hospital. He was in the ICU for internal bleeding and was also on a respirator. Despite the unfortunate circumstance, it was good to see family members we don't get to see very often. This last weekend we went to Grandpa Koski's and Kiley helped out with new lights for the living room. We got to see Lexi who is growing so fast and likes going to Kindergarten. Kaisley is doing so much now. She recognizes people from across the room and grabs things with two hands and pulls it to her mouth. There is constantly something in her grasp but mostly she loves those fingers to be in her mouth. She smiles every time I show herself in the mirror and she doesn't mind getting her diaper changed. She just looks up at whoever is doing it and smiles away!

She likes her two bouncers

TUMMY TIME! We are waiting for the day she rolls over!

She LOVES this giraffe. The bottom of it makes a crinkly noise that she cannot get enough of.

Kaisley wearing Declo/Halloween colors

Dad putting socks on her

Right before we go to Fred Meyers shopping

She sat here and watched me make 8 lasagnas for my freezer meals

cute ladybug outfit

I have to hold her hands down to keep her from putting them in her mouth. In this picture you can see that her hair is getting just a little bit longer.

She can grab two things at once and try to pull them both towards her!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oregon Road Trip

Last week Kiley had to go to Oregon for work. His boss said that we could go with him so Kaisley, Kohl, and I tagged along. It was supposed to be a week and a half trip where we would be able to spend two days in Portland so that we could take Kaisley to the zoo but we ended up driving over 35 hours in 4 days instead. It was a long trip but Kaisley got to wear her first swimming suit and swim in the pool!

 One of our hotels had an indoor waterslide! It was a two story enclosed slide and I went on it a ton of times by myself :0) I felt a little silly but I am not one to turn down a good time!
 We needed to take more pictures but we were driving most of the time. We did stop in Beaverton and had breakfast with Great Grandma and Grandpa Koski. We really wanted a picture of them together but we forgot until we were in Portland. On our way home we stopped and saw Tiff, Jon and Hayden. Hayden is 2 1/2 and so big! It was so fun to see them.
 Hayden Kohl Paul and Kaisley Mae Koski
Overall it was nice to see some country. We drove through Bend, down to Klamath Falls, and then up through Eugene and Salem and then back home. We survived our first road trip!

Hello Fall!

September was such a fun month at the Koski's. Kaisley grew out of her 0-3 month clothes and is starting to wear 3-6. This is her first pair of pajamas she wore in that size:

 We love to play dress up when Dad is at work :0)
 This is her first outfit in 3-6 month size

 She is really starting to slobber when she sucks on her fists so she sometimes wears a bib.

 Waiting to go grocery shopping.
 She has started grabbing her gym toys and tries to pull them to her mouth! Too bad they don't reach her.
 We love Harvest. The smell of cold dirt from the fields is the best. We also love to watch Uncle Jason's football games and the smell of pumpkin spice.
 Grandma and Grandpa Gillette gave us a trunk load of veggies from their garden: pumpkins, zucchini, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions and corn. We spent almost a whole day with our new food processor shredding most of it to put it in the freezer. I made zucchini bread, pumpkin bread, pumpkin rolls (which turned out to be pumpkin squares because I couldn't get them out of the pan fast enough) and pumpkin cookies. YUMMY :0)