The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Monday, January 30, 2012

The New Year, January 2012

This month Kaisley is 7 months old. She is doing SO much now. She eats 2 1/2 jars of baby food a day plus a bowl of rice cereal. She has loved everything we have given her EXCEPT turkey. We are mixing it with rice cereal and veggies to disguise it but we need to try another flavor of meats soon. At her last Dr appointment her head measured in the 95th percentile so she had to have another appointment to check on it January 30th. The measurements taken in December were incorrect because her head was 2 inches smaller than what was reported. Her measurements are 17 inches for head circumference which is the 27th percentile, weight 15lb 14.5oz at 15%, and length 26.25 inches at 26%. It is a good even growth and Dr. Reese is very happy with it. Kaisley has also learned to sit unassisted as well as crawl this month. She learned to feed herself with the small cereals and goes crazy for them. They are a necessity for church because they keep her entertained. Our ward boundaries were also changed this month from the 16th to the 24th ward, where Tiff, Jon, and Hayden used to go. We like our new ward and Kiley has been playing church basketball and we are both playing couples volleyball on Friday nights. It is hard to make time for us because our schedules are so busy. Kiley started a new job selling security monitoring and fire-alarms. He has been doing very well but this job is only temporary. I have been watching our neighbors 3 month old, Kaila during the day and then I work at night on Monday, Wednesday, and either Friday or Saturday, sometimes Sundays, and have classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I have two classes on CSI's campus and two online classes from ISU. I am working on my BA in Human Resources Corporate Training and Development and hope to be done within a year. I am also taking photos on the side so I am a very busy person. Kaisley has reached the stage where she wants her mommy and  so when Kiley gets home we have to be very sneaky about me leaving for work or school. She likes to wrinkle her nose and huff and puff. When she is sitting in her high chair she shakes her head no because she likes the feeling of the back of the highchair against her head so now she will shake her head no a lot. The only annoying thing she has learned is to grind her teeth. From the moment the top two poked through this month she has been grinding them against her bottom two. I even thought there was no way she could while they were still so small I thought there HAD to be molars in there somewhere and even checked. Kaisley keeps us happy and optimistic and we love her more than anything.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Goodbye 2011!

2011 was such a wonderful year for us. We welcomed our beautiful Kaisley Mae and she has made our lives complete. I have been going to school online and working nights so that we can spend as much time with her as possible so we don't have to leave her without a parent. We are so very blessed and cannot wait for all of the new adventures 2012 has to bring! Here are some favorite moments from 2011
Awaiting Miss Kaisley Mae
May 2011
Kaisley's Birthday



December for Miss Kaisley

This month Kaisley is 6 months old. She has mastered rolling over and does it to get wherever she wants to be. We are working on the crawling thing and she tries but mostly scoots backwards. She loves her laptop she got for Christmas as well as her new bath toys. She is eating all sorts of fruits and veggies now and has two jars of baby food a day. Ky has been home all month so she has become a big Daddy's girl. I found her ticklish spot on her hip and she laughs and wiggles to try to get away :0) She got more of her shots this month as well and she was so tough! She didn't cry on the first shot, did a little pout on the second, but the third one made her cry. She is in the 50th percentile for length, 25% for weight, and 96% percentile for head circumference so she will need to go back to the Dr in January to check her growth again. Kaisley also got her first AND second tooth this month. She is such a HAPPY baby even while teething. She is very aware of her surroundings and loves visitors, especially our neighbors Jake, Jessica, Kara Leigh, and Kaila.

two teeth!
She backed all the way under the couch!
We watched Lexi the week after Christmas. Here are the girls and Kara Leigh hanging out.
She loves the high chair Aunt Laura gave her
I left her in the living room for 15 minutes and came out to this.
This is where she and the toys were before!! lol
loves her laptop
playing with Grandpa Gillette
She will wake up from her nap and pull flowers that are next to the crib into bed with her and play with them until we check on her... she is so mischievous. It is so cute!