The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kaisley at 9 months

Kaisley's little personality is definitely shining now. She LOVES her dad and will look at him and giggle and try to get away from him (she starts this game until he comes after her to give her kisses.) She has learned to give kisses this month and gets into everything. We keep Kohls dog food in the pantry but she has managed to get into it twice now. There are always toys and books strewn about to keep her entertained. She likes going on walks in the stroller and swinging on the swings in the park. She always has something to say and babbles momma, dadda, and doggie all the time (although we aren't sure whether or not to count them as first words yet because we don't know that she has associated them with things/us.) She stands by herself until she realizes she is doing it and then quickly goes to her bum because she is nervous. She has started pulling hair, taking dad's glasses, and climbing up anything or anyone. She is still on the smaller side with small feet and hands. Her hands are almost as small as Jasper's, our friend's one month old and she is about 17.5 lbs now. She likes to sit in the grass and pick it and is so fascinated on shopping trips. She keeps us on our toes and she is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us. We love you Kaisley Mae!

Kaisley and Kara, who is yelling "swiper no swiping!!" from Dora the Explorer lol

So Happy

Kais and her cousin Tayson who is 15 months

Tayser and Kaiser

I handed her a container of treats so she could play with it because she was getting fussy in the truck. She has never opened them.. until now! Needless to say it was quiet the rest of the drive home! lol

St. Patricks Day

This year was Kaisley's first St. Patty's Day. I had to work that night but we hadn't seen our friends Josh, Hannah, Paige, and Jasper in awhile so they came over for a quick lunch. The three of us were wearing green of course but Kaisley had other plans... I put her down for a nap and she woke up 15 minutes later with green poop all up her back! She has never exploded out of her diaper like that before! After a bath, we had Green Chili Baja Chicken Burrittos on spinich tortillas with lime aid to go with the theme. It was actually delicious! It was so good to see our friends since we don't ever get to see them enough.

Paige will be 3 in May

Jasper is almost 2 months old

Kaisley at 9 months. This is after her bath. She loves to eat bananas.

Kaisley and Kohl

Kaisley and Kohl are good buddies. Kaisley is actually fairly nice to Kohl and we don't really worry about her hurting her anymore. Kohl likes to snuggle up next to Kaisley and Kais likes to pet her and climb on her. The other day Kais was so happy because she had her two favorite things: Kohl and a book. She was looking through her book and Kohl came and sat next to her. Kais pet her and then went back to looking at the pages, stopping every ten seconds to give Kohl a pat and then go back to her book. Too cute! Kohl lets her climb up her to standing and is always hovering underneath the high chair or bouncer for falling treats. We may be in trouble when Kaisley realizes she can drop them down to her. Kaisley DOES offer her treats to Kohl but does it with a closed fist so Kohl will just lick her hand until she opens it. These two are the best of friends and hopefully they keep each other out of trouble! Kohl should be having puppies at the end of the month, although we don't plan on keeping any. Just one Kohl and one Kaisley are enough to keep this family busy!
Watching the snow

sure, it just makes more sense to go OVER her lol

Kohl wants Kais to rub her tummy

Bad picture but this is when Kais had her book and was patting Kohl