The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Monday, September 17, 2012

Kaisley at 15 Months

Kaisley Mae is one silly girl. She loves to stick her arms straight back, chin to chest, and run as fast as she can. She also looks far back at the ceiling and runs. She dances a lot, stomping her feet, twisting, and bouncing up and down. She gives high fives and knuckles. For some weird reason she has stopped calling me mom or mimi and now just "talks" until she gets my attention. We are working on that one. She is so adventurous. When we go to Football games she wanders like crazy, often running from us. From reading our baby book I guess it's from giving her too much "freedom" at home to wander as she pleases. This is also something we will need to work on. She has learned to climb on the couch and now does it so quickly we often find her sitting up there drinking her milk. She has become so skilled at it that we now let her, but the rule is that she cannot stand on the couch. She usually obeys this rule. Kaisley has about 6 molars now and can eat almost anything we can except the super hard food like raw carrots. Monica took some family pictures for us so here are a few of our favorites.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

We went camping with my parents over Labor Day weekend. Laura and I did a four mile trail run on Saturday and Kiley and I took Kaisley on a lot of rides on the Commander. Monica was the only family member missing. We also shared the campground with our family friends: the Wrigley's and the Osterhouts. It rained Saturday evening so we waited it out in the camper playing Egyptian Rat Screw. Jason calls it Monkey. Kaisley loved to explore and play in the rocks.

Kais and her buddy Maddi. We drove up to the lookout tower during the storm. There was a tornado warning in Declo.

Talking to the baby in the mirror and giving her kisses

Football Season

Football season is finally here! It is Jason's Senior year at Declo and we are going to do our best to make it to every game. They played South Freemont and the Score was 53 to 0. Jason set a High School record of most touchdowns in a half with four. They were going for tying the record of 5 in a whole game but the game was called in the 3rd quarter due to lightening. It was a good thing we brought our umberlla because it started pouring on our walk back to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Kaisley wanted to explore and tried to run to the football field several times. We dressed her up in Declo colors. Jason also made Athlete of the Week for Times News and was interviewed on the radio.

Uncle Jason and Rylee. Kaisley REALLY likes Rylee

Helping take off Jason's tape