The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas with the Geers

Sunday we went to visit Kiley's mom's side of the family. They all spoiled Kaisley. It was sad we had to cut our visit short but Kais had woken up that morning with a horrible cough and was running a fever. It was a good thing we left early though because a storm hit and the roads were bad on the drive home.
Miss Sophia opening her gift from us: an elephant scentsy buddy

dancing to the music

watching the toys that sing and dance

Lights with the Pauls

Last weekend we went to Kuna to see relatives. We went to the Bontanical Gardens to look at the Christmas lights. It was a little nicer weather than we were expecting and it was so beautiful. We stayed the night at Tiff and Jon's, it is always so fun to visit them!
The Paul Family

Hayden loves trains

South Hills Lights

Saturday we had Aunt Jenny over for a potato bar and to celebrate Christmas before she left for Oregon. She spoiled us like she always does and it was so good to spend some time with her.

After that we loaded up in the "Walker Wagon" and went to the South Hills to see the lights. This will be the last year that the family is doing the lights and the gas station down the hill will be setting it up next year. Kaisley was all bundled up in warm clothes just running around. She loves to have some freedom. When we are holding her in public places she is constantly trying to escape. It makes it really exhausting for mom and dad.

trying to escape

feeding the camel a carrot. Kais laughed as we were walking away.

I'm sitting in the back between Kaisley and Kara. We couldn't believe that next year we won't all fit in the car. 

  After that we went back to Jake and Jessica's to decorate gingerbread cookies and houses.

our finished product

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Month 4

This month of the pregnancy has been a roller coaster. I will either have tons of energy and feel completely normal or cling to my anti nausea meds and feel like Kais is running circles around me. When I feel bad it's usually because of the sleep I didn't get the night before. Sometimes I don't get off of work until 1 a.m. and other times I wake up at 4 unable to go back to sleep. The Dr.'s appointments have been normal but we cannot wait until the first of January to find out what this baby is! I have the hunch it is a girl because every time I think about the baby I refer to it as a "she." Only time will tell!

Christmas Tree

We cut our own tree down in the South Hills again this year. They barely had any snow but we were really excited to use the new sled we had gotten Kaisley so we drove until there was enough to pull her around. It took us awhile to find a good tree and we wanted to get a fuller one this year than we normally do. Kais was a lot of fun and loved to watch Kohl run and play in the snow.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Thanksgiving Day we went to Aunt Jenny's house in Gooding. Cody, Audry, and Sophia came down from Nampa, Grandma and Grandpa Koski came from Oregon, and Aunt Gwynn and Rita came as well. Diner was delicious and it was good to catch up with everyone.

  Jason spent the night at our house that night and him and Kiley went duck hunting for a little bit in the morning. I did a small amount of Black Friday shopping when they got home and then we went to Tyler and Angela's for a turkey dinner. Tayson loved Kaisley and kept trying to pick her up. They both danced around Tayson's dancing puppy.