The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


After Chirstmas was a little busy. We threw Monica a bridal shower and then she got married the following week. The bridal shower was pretty fun. We had a Bridal Brunch with mini muffins, juice, and a yogurt bar where you could build your own parfait with granola and different types of fruit. Kaisley helped Monica open her gifts.
After the shower, Laura and I had to drive up the mountain to pick up Kiley, who had gone snowmobiling with the guys but broke a part on his sled so he stayed back at the truck and waited for us.
We had a White Elephant gift exchange after dinner. Kaisley really loves to help open gifts.
Kaisley had a rough Christmas break. She had a cold for a week that turned into a double ear infection and then had an allergic reaction to her antibiotic that made her break out in a rash. She is doing much better now and we hope it is a long time before she gets sick again. 

Month 5

Well, we are at the halfway mark and had our 20 week ultrasound..... it's a BOY! Kiley was able to get off of work and take Kaisley and I to the Dr. appointment. I was really surprised that Kaisley let the ultrasound tech touch my belly because she DOES NOT like anyone touching me. If Kiley's and my feet are touching she will yell NO and push him away. It was a little funny because he was really shy about showing his face, but was not shy at all about showing us he is a boy!

So far I am craving spicy food and sour candy. Most of the time the spicy food tastes pretty mild to me and even the straight sour sugar from the bottom of a sour patch kids bag isn't sour enough. I am still taking my anti nausea medicine but it is usually only when I didn't get much sleep the night before. I am switching to day shifts for work so this should really help. Kiley and I think the baby's name will either be Kashton or Kannon with a middle name of McCoy or McCrae. We would like to stick with the K's and M's. Because I am a lot healthier with this pregnancy, my weight is now what my pre-pregnancy weight with Kaisley was.

Christmas Day

I had to work Christmas Eve but we made sure to open our new pajamas before I left so that we could all sleep in them that night. Kais slept hard that night and we actually had to wake her up which doesn't usually happen. She is usually waking up at 8:30 on the dot every morning.

just waking up
happy girl

wearing her new necklace and bracelet and opening her barn set. She always loves to wear my necklaces and say "Sooooo" (which means so pretty as we always tell her)

LOL Elmo

Kohl even got a new bone

Yummy breakfast!

Overnight blueberry french toast bake

Grandma and Grandpa Koski and Lexi came over for Christmas Dinner and presents. Kiley deep fried a turkey which he didn't have enough peanut oil for and tried to buy some at Walgreen's which was the only store open on Christmas, who didn't have any oil. So we borrowed some from Jake and Jessica

Kaisley's princess car

My parents came over later to bring Kaisley her gifts: a princess tent and a grow with me kitchen