The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day in Boise

We went to Boise last Friday for Kiley's brother's wedding. We went up earlier to take Kaisley and Kash to the zoo for a little quality family time that is so rare these days. Kiley has been working over 65 hours a week so we try to take advantage of what little time we get with him.
Kaisley loved the animals, especially the monkeys. The zoo did put in some dinosaurs that move and make sounds when you come close. One took Kais by surprise and scared her. It took a few exhibits before she felt safe again.

helping push brother in the stroller

the bat eared fox were "cats"

Mr. Kash is in the carrier

in the butterfly exhibit

after the wedding we took a picture with Cody, Audry, Sophia, and Lexi

Kaisley at 2 Years

It's hard to believe that Kaisley is already 2 years old! She:
-loves to sing songs
-still loves to read books
-can sing her ABCs
-can correctly identify 10 letters by name and 3 by the sound they make
-can count to 12
-her favorite animal is an elephant, but monkeys are a close second
-likes to tell Kohl what to do
-makes up songs about Mommy, Daddy, Kohl, and Papa
-is seriously the BEST big sister. She is so gentle with Kash and loves to help Mommy take care of him. She is always on the lookout for him and gets mad at people when they touch or even look at him. He is HER baby!
-loves to play in the water
-loves Papa's Maverick
-favorite foods are apples and "yummies" (frozen greek yogurt)

This girl has a big personality and is super smart. We love her so much and she surprises us daily with the new things she learns.

Kashton at 1 Month

Mr. Kash is growing so fast! He:
-is now about 9lbs
-is grown out of his newborn size clothes
-loves to cuddle
-loves to smile
-is starting to "talk"
-loves riding in the car
-is sometimes gassy but loves his tummy drops
-is a good sleeper

We love our little Kash Man!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Kaisley's Second Birthday

For Kaisley's birthday we went to G & G Gillette's house. We had a BBQ, played in the water, and picked yummy strawberries. Kaisley even got to do one of her favorite things, go for a ride on the Maverick with Papa and Daddy. They almost went all the way up to the D. Kiley said Kaisley got a little nervous when they turned around to go down but absolutely loved the ride. Kaisley ADORES her Papa too. She always get so excited to see him. She loves to give him hugs, kisses, and even feed him. From the second she woke up to the time she went to bed she was so happy. Kaisley didn't even have a nap. Anyone who knows Kaisley knows that she gets super cranky if she has anything less than an hour and a half nap and she was just laughing, running, and playing hard all day long. We love this little girl more than words can describe. After everyone was in bed we just talked and laughed about how much Kaisley loved this day. We love you Kaisley Mae!

Opening presents in her new pink chair.

Embarrassed that everyone is singing Happy Birthday

Playing in her new sprinkler.

Playing with Aunt Monica

Eating her Birthday cake

Her new slide and sand table as part of her birthday present.

running to her Dad

wet hugs

she adores him