The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Miss Kais is quite the character these days. She:
-Is asking questions like "why not?"
-is saying statements like "I can't get it out."
-Has an attitude at times. If she doesn't like something she says "shh!"
-still adores her brother
-still picks on and smothers Kohl
-learned she can crawl out of her crib so we converted it to a toddler bed. We actually don't have problems with her staying in it.
-has to sleep with Minnie, Puppy, Baby, and two blankets. A second pillow is variable.
-still favors apples as her favorite food. Berries, bananas and frozen greek yogurt are runners up.
-loves to count everything
-always asks to go to the car, the park, and to go camping
-has no fear
-runs with her hands behind her like a cape
-loves to wear dresses. She calls them her "pretties."
-likes to pretend to be puppies and kittens
-can be bribed with Papa, apples, or Mickey if we are desperate :)

Kashton at 3 Months

This month Kash has learned to skooch in circles and roll over. He is really strong and can stand up really well while holding on to my two fingers. He smiles and coos a lot. His favorite time of day is the morning. He also enjoys getting his diaper changed. He is starting to chub up a little. We love him!

Camping at Twin Lakes

We went camping with Grandma and Grandpa Gillette at Twin Lakes over the weekend. Kaisley LOVES her Papa and his Maverick. Grandpa was taking her over jumps, tight turns, and fishtailing and all she would say is "fun!" over and over. There is no fear in this little girl. Our family friends the Wrigleys and the Osterhouts also came up for dinner one night. We love their company and we always have a good laugh when they are around. Kiley works 70-80 hours every week and only gets two days off every two weeks so we try to have lots of fun when he is home. Hopefully his coworker will be taking calls at the end of September so that Ky will only be on call every other week (when he accepted the job it was supposed to be every third week. We are burning out fast.)