The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Being First Time Parents

Life with Kaisley has been very rewarding and also a HUGE life-learning lesson for us. She is our world and we are constantly striving to do the best that we can for her. But we can never be PERFECT. No matter how many books I read about parenting or how much advice I get from friends and family (including  unwanted "advice" that seems more like "you MUST do this" and "I know your baby better than you do"), you will never fully be prepared to be a parent or have all of the answers on the best way to be a parent.
Our inexperience takes the form of over protectiveness.
Two Saturday's ago Kaisley's molars decided to make their debut. All FOUR! And at the precise moment one punched through, despite the baby orajel and ibuprophin, Kaisley freaked out and was in the most intense pain we had ever seen her in. We couldn't calm her down and it got so bad she almost seemed like she was seizing. Kiley rushed out the door with her and we headed to the E.R. Thankfully she calmed down on the way and we could see that it was in fact her teeth, not some invisible illness that we thought it was. We stopped for frozen yogurt to soothe her swollen gums. (I can just imaging the Dr. chuckling at us after he diagnoses it as just teething!)
Yesterday we almost had another rush to the E.R.. Kaisley has had a runny nose for the past 10 days (we thought due to those nasty molars) but she woke up at 4 a.m. crying and coughing like crazy. The thought crossed my mind that it was probably the drainage from the runny nose but the cough sounded so bad we thought she must have gotten strep from the Gym's Daycare. Kiley convinced me that we should wait until the clinic was open the next morning to take her in. When we got there Kaisley was just SMILING at all of the workers and flirting away. She was so good for the Dr. and he said that everything checked out great. He also made a point to give me a list of situations that would call for a trip to the Dr.: i.e. a runny nose that lasts more than 3 weeks, a cough that lasts more than 2 weeks, etc. I felt again like an overreacting parent but also SO THANKFUL to know that Kaisley is okay.
Maybe situations like these happen so that we can learn to keep calm in case of an actual emergency.
Kaisley can make you smile when you are having the worst of days. Again, she LOVES books. She has read them on her own for awhile now, turning pages and pointing to all of the pictures. She has a lot of animal books and now she will bring them to you and read them to you. Which sounds like: "babble, babble, babble, MOO. (turns page) babble, babble, babble, MOO (turns page)"!! She does this until the end of the book. So funny that all of the animals say MOO! She has also had a new attachment: her blankets. She hasn't ever done it before but since she cut her molars she always wants her blankets from her crib. She totes them around and sucks her thumb. The day I took her to the Dr. and she was feeling ill she was FRANTIC for her blanket and was so concerned we weren't going to take it. In the waiting room I put it on the chair and took her down to the toys to play and she ran back, grabbed it, and ran back to me to sit in my lap. She is so darn adorable.

won't leave her flowers in her hair

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