The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


It has already been 5 years! It has gone by so fast! Kiley was able to get Friday off of work and we dropped the kids off at Grandma and Grandpa Koski's so we could enjoy some time together and celebrate. It was weird being away from Kash for two nights because I haven't been away longer than a few hours. Our friends Jake and Jessica came up to hang out with us and we had a blast. Friday night we ate at Tucanos and then played around at Dave and Busters. I won enough tickets to get a Tshirt! The next day we bought watershoes and floated the Boise River. It was a first for everyone but Kiley and it was so much fun! Jessica had a lop-sided tube so it was hard for her to paddle so Kiley towed her away from the trees. He tried to pull me too but I don't like not being in control of those kinds of things so I paddled on my own! (BTW we should've gotten a raft like Jessica said we should!).
After that we went to a comedy show competition. It was really fun and the show was sold out. There were even a lot of people standing in the back.
I think it is really important to take time to maintain your relationship in a marriage. Sometimes we get so busy in life that we put each other on the back burner. I love Kiley so much and he completes me in so many ways. He is an amazing father and I cannot wait to celebrate many more anniversaries with him!

4th of July

Our holiday was a little uneventful this year. Because Kiley was on call we couldn't really go anywhere so we just lit off a few fireworks in front of the house. A huge storm actually blew through and ripped a corner of the awning up and Kiley moved some of the neighbor's things so that they wouldn't blow away. Afterwards there were two beautiful "waindows" as Kaisley called them. Kais was nervous of the fireworks, but kept wanting us to light more.

Camping at Worswick Hot Springs

A few weeks ago we went camping at Worswick Hot Springs with Aunt Jenny. It was lots of fun like always. I ran 9 miles for my training and it was really hard and I am still so out of shape compared to last year! Here are a few pictures from the weekend. Kais even caught her first fish!

Kaisley at 2 Years plus 1 Month

I just want to brag about our little girl! She:
~Can identify ALL of the letters AND the sounds they make (she can even write a few!)
~Knows blue and purple, but the rest of the colors are "colors"
~Loves to sing and dance
~Has learned a naughty word... I'm not bragging about this one. It has made Mommy very upset!
~She is the BEST big sister EVER! I really don't think 2 year old sisters are supposed to be this good to newborn siblings... she amazes us every day how much she loves him and cares for him and isn't jealous at all! Kiley and I are so very proud of her!

Kashton at 2 Months

Mr. Kash is now two months old! At his checkup he was 21.25 inches long, 10lbs 8 oz and is growing at a normal rate. He is still in his 3 month clothes although newborn pants are now too small and 3 month pants are too long. He is starting to find his voice and talks and smiles at his Mom a lot. He still eats well and sleeps well. I usually put him down at 8 for the night and he wakes up at 4 to eat and then goes right back to sleep until 8 am. A few times this week I have had to go wake him up about 6 am to eat because he sleeps right through it. He loves to swing with classical music playing. We love this little boy!