The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kaisley's second visit to the dentist

Kaiser's dentist happens to be my cousin, Trevor Smith. We usually don't ever see the same family doctor or pediatrician, so it is kind of cool that we like to think of Trevor as her "exclusive" dentist. She did very well the whole time and let them look at her teeth. She was really into the television on the ceiling so it was an easy visit. Kaisley is still a thumb sucker but he said that her teeth look great and not to worry about getting her to stop until she is three.

After the dentist we went to Chick-fil-A for some lunch and playing in the jungle gym. We don't eat out much, so it was a fun treat for her.

 Here is Kaisley and her "farmer princess." I don't know where she comes up with this stuff!

Sleep Over!

Superbowl weekend Lexi came and stayed the night at our house. Kaisley ADORES Lexi! They built forts, watched movies, and basically Kais just tried to be like Lexi the whole time she was here. Grandma and Grandpa Geer were here to visit for a while too. It was good for them to spend some quality time together. Here are some of the few pictures we got.

New Building!

February 1st our new branch opened! It was a very exciting time for all of us, but I was especially excited to have my own desk! There were some draw backs to moving to our new branch on Addison though. I love my coworkers at the Poleline location and will miss them terribly. Also, I admit that I am a tad jealous of the new location they will be in, they will have awesome views like this:

How could you say no to a lunchtime jog with views like this!?!

Somehow I ended up with a corner window desk at the new location. I was surprised because everyone got to pick before me and I think it's the best one! (I later realized it's a little awkward to take notes on my desk, but I will take it!) Because of all the sunlight I went to Fred Meyers to buy a plant for my desk, and ended up with SIX. 

I told Patricia, who works at the Poleline branch that I would honor her with a cactus (because I probably can't kill it) on my desk. Here is the little beauty:

And this is my cubicle. As I like to say, "Welcome to the jungle!"