The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Christmas Traditions

We have been thinking of things to do for Christmas traditions for our new little family and have come up with a few that we hope will stick.
Cut down our own Christmas Tree every year

New Christmas PJs to wear Christmas Eve

New ornament for the kids every year that shows their personalities and/or accomplishments for the year. This year was a pink carriage for baby's first Christmas

A new nativity along with the story of Christmas each Christmas Eve. This year we went to Target, Walmart, Shopko, Kmart, and Kings looking for a nativity and they didn't have any. We went to the Hallmark store and they didn't have any under $40. So.... we got this little figure from Walgreens. Hopefully next year we will get a bigger one!

Our Christmas PJs

We also thought it would be fun to do a gingerbread house every year too. This one Kiley decorated He did a pretty good job.
This is the start of our traditions. We are looking forward to new traditions to come!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Kiley went hunting in the morning and then we went to Tyler and Angela's house to celebrate birthdays.  Afterwards Laura, Monica, Jason, and Mom came to our house to exchange gifts. Poor Dad was sick so he had to stay home but we made him a DVD of us opening gifts so he could watch it later. Mom went home for the night but everyone else stayed over for Christmas.

Kiley helping Jaxon with Tayson's toys

Kaisley loves her Grandma Gillette

Kaisley with her cousins Jaxon and Tayson

Uncle Jason

Natalee and Tayson's Birthday cakes that Natalee made. They were delicious :0)

Tayson's cake demolished!

Kaisley opening her gift from Aunt Laura. She went CRAZY opening gifts! She wouldn't even try to put any paper in her mouth, she would just tear and go for more!

Aunt Laura gave her tons of clothes

helping Grandma open her gift too! She was leaping out of Laura's arms to get to presents

Aunt Monica arrived later after getting off of work at Applebee's

Kais wearing the hat Grandma made for Aunt Laura

reading books Grandma Gillette bought for Kaisley for Christmas

Kaisley loves her Uncle Jason!
 It was a really fun Christmas Eve and very exciting to see Kaisley's reaction to everything. Everyone kept saying, "I can't believe how much this girl LoVES Christmas!!"

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Kiley's Birthday

Christmas Eve is also Kiley's Birthday. I worked the night before but when I got home at 12:30 am we went to Jake and Jessica's house for a midnight Birthday party for Kiley. Kara made Kiley a card and picked out a cake for Kiley. In the morning Kiley went hunting with Jason and Jordan Bowen in Burley but didn't get anything. But he did get to try out his Birthday present I made him open at 2 am :0)

Birthday Cake I picked up from Winco at midnight when I got off of work

Family celebrating Ky's Birthday
Kiley and Natalee's Birthday and Tayson's Birthday the day after Christmas

Kiley's Birthday present, a field blind and a goose flag

The Birthday cake Kara picked out for Kiley

Pre-Christmas Gatherings and Events

Before Christmas we got together with loved ones that we wouldn't be able to see on the special day.

Some of the gifts from Aunt Jenny

Kais liked to help open gifts

Kais and her cousin Allie

Kaisley and Grandma Renee at Uncle Denny's and Aunt Natalie's house. We came to see everyone before Christmas and visit.

Allie would make a great babysitter for Kaisley

Happy girl with her Dad

We LoVe her!

In the car seat to go see Santa. She let him hold her and was pretty indifferent to the situation. The only person she hasn't liked was Kiley's boss, Jerry. :0)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Tree

Saturday we drove to the South Hills to cut down Kaisley's first Christmas Tree. By the time we were headed off of the mountain it was getting dark so we stopped to see the Christmas lights and feed the camel carrots.
Kaisley was really into her surroundings. She just kept looking around at everything there was to discover!

Such a doll! :0)

Kohl is fun to watch play in the snow. Every once in awhile she would stop to dig.

The tree Kiley cut down. It was starting to get dark so we needed to hurry so we got another "Charlie Brown" tree this year!

Kaisley's lil nose starting to turn red

looking at the lights at the South Hills

Kiley fed the camel carrots. Kaisley was indifferent. For her it was just like watching Kohl :0)

The completed tree! We liked it being tall and skinny so that we didn't need to move any furniture. It did fall over once so Kiley screwed it to the ground and anchored it to the wall :0)