The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Kiley went hunting in the morning and then we went to Tyler and Angela's house to celebrate birthdays.  Afterwards Laura, Monica, Jason, and Mom came to our house to exchange gifts. Poor Dad was sick so he had to stay home but we made him a DVD of us opening gifts so he could watch it later. Mom went home for the night but everyone else stayed over for Christmas.

Kiley helping Jaxon with Tayson's toys

Kaisley loves her Grandma Gillette

Kaisley with her cousins Jaxon and Tayson

Uncle Jason

Natalee and Tayson's Birthday cakes that Natalee made. They were delicious :0)

Tayson's cake demolished!

Kaisley opening her gift from Aunt Laura. She went CRAZY opening gifts! She wouldn't even try to put any paper in her mouth, she would just tear and go for more!

Aunt Laura gave her tons of clothes

helping Grandma open her gift too! She was leaping out of Laura's arms to get to presents

Aunt Monica arrived later after getting off of work at Applebee's

Kais wearing the hat Grandma made for Aunt Laura

reading books Grandma Gillette bought for Kaisley for Christmas

Kaisley loves her Uncle Jason!
 It was a really fun Christmas Eve and very exciting to see Kaisley's reaction to everything. Everyone kept saying, "I can't believe how much this girl LoVES Christmas!!"

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