The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kaisley Mae Koski arrives!!

On Thursday June 9, 2011 Kaisley Mae Koski was born at 8:37 a.m. weighing 6lbs 2oz and measuring 19 inches long!
Kaisley was due June 28th but the Dr. had told us one week before she was born that she would come early, so we were anxiously awaiting Kaisley to arrive and was hoping it would be any day. On Wednesday we tried the old wive's tales like going for a long walk, eating fresh pineapple, and spicy hot wings. Thursday morning I woke up at 4:00 a.m. with some cramping but didn't think much of it until I noticed they were 6 minutes apart. I called the Dr. and she said to take a warm bath and see if I feel better or just to come to the hospital. we arrived at the hospital at 5:30 and the nurse said immediately that I could get an epidural, we just had to wait on the anesthisioligist. So we waited.... and waited.... then we found out he was stuck in surgery but another Dr. was coming from home. In the meantime Dr. Allen had broken my water and said that Kaisley had gone poddy and so she was going to have to go to the NICU. I finally got the epidural at 8:15 but Kaisley wasn't going to wait any longer and was quickly born! Dr. Astin asked if I wanted to hold her or wait for her to be cleaned up and I was afraid that she had inhaled some of her merconium so I told them to clean and check her. As they were cleaning her they said that there was no merconium and she was fine. I quickly regretted not holding her as soon as I could. Kaisley was born with a bruise on her hip that the Dr.'s thought was a birthmark. We were so happy and had lots of visitors!!

Uncle Jason

Grandma and Grandpa Gillette and Uncle Jason

Kaisley in the bassinet at the hosptal she hated to sleep in. Mom and Dad were awake all night taking turns holding her. She wouldn't sleep unless she was held. And of course, we would do anything for our sweetheart!

First day at home!

Grandpa Koski comes to visit

Kaisley's cousin Lexi

Her complexion is dark like her daddy's. She looks just like Daddy did in his baby pictures. Mom has a hard time finding any of herself in baby Kaisley!

Mom's favorite Jammas!

Aunt Jenny

Grandpa Gillette

One of the favorite faces

Kaisley slept in a bassinet next to our bed for the first week before she went into her own bedroom. She immedietly slept through the night, waking only every three to five hours to eat. She is such a content and happy baby and we are so blessed to have her!

Such a cuddlebug!!

So little on Dad's arm!

We love the little wrinkles!!

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