The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Monday, February 27, 2012

State Wrestling

This last weekend we went to Pocatello to watch Jason and the rest of the Declo Hornets wrestle. My dad is the coach and my cousin Lance Gillette and Ian Webb are the assistant coaches. Jason did very well and we had so much fun watching him. His record for the season was 36-1 and he placed 2nd as a Junior! A lot of the boys on the team bleached their hair and Jason kindly let my parents choose between that or a mullet.... they chose to let him get a mullet! hahaha.... We stayed in a hotel with the wrestlers and got in the hot tub and swimming pool before ordering Applebee's for dinner. Laura, Monica, Kaisley, and I had gone shopping after Jason's second match of the day on Friday and got some really cute clothes for super cheap. Of course Kiley went to Dick's Sporting goods to look at guns :0) Kaisley was so exhausted from the meet that she was out cold expect for waking up at 5 am to eat. We saw Kayla and Wayson who is 2 months younger than Kaisley and 6 lbs bigger! It was a good trip but also very long since Kaisley doesn't like to be soothed to sleep. Aunt Laura and I had to sit up in the nose bleeds so that Laura and Kaisley could take naps :0) Aunt Cindy, Uncle Rick, and Cooper were also there. Cooper was pretty shy but he is growing up so fast! We decided that when Kaisley is his age we need an Ipad like Aunt Cindy because she had so many fun games and movies to keep Cooper occupied with. Declo took first place again in the tournament and Uncle Tyler bought Kaisley a shirt so that we could put "Declo Hornets, Back to Back State Champions" on it. We got it in 18 month size so that she can wear it next year. So proud of all of our boys and my Dad but especially Jason. We love him so much and love to support everything he does!
This is the way Kaisley looks a lot of the time now. She loves to poke out her tongue. Tayson kept trying to touch it :0) too cute

Tayson and I

Kaisley LOVES books! When Aunt Laura was reading to her she was kissing all of the baby animals on each page! She is so funny!

Of course she was passed around to everyone. At one point she was down with all of the wrestlers' girlfriends.

Kaisley and her Aunts

Happy to be home

1 comment:

  1. Lance was there watching his cousin's kid Cole, from Gooding. He said he saw your brother. Stinks that he lost in the final.
    I can't believe how big Kaisley is getting! Still as cute as ever though.
