The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day fell on a Tuesday this year and usually that night I have class. It was cancelled this week, however, but I was accidentally scheduled to work at Applebee's that night so I ended up there. When I got home about midnight Kiley had dinner waiting for me. Home-made Vegetable Stir-Fry!!! It was delicious. He also got me chocolates, flowers, and the new Twilight movie I wanted :0) We got ourselves a couple's massage and parrafin dip but haven't had the time to schedule it yet. We got Kaisley a new outfit and tons of her favorite treats plus new ones that she hasn't tried before. We bought her gift on Monday but all three of us weren't together for her to open it until Saturday morning. It's hard not to be able to spend time as a family but I think it would be even harder to put Kaisley in daycare with someone that we didn't know and trust. Aunt Jenny came by the Sunday before and gave Kaisley some cute new outfits for her first V-Day. One was a lil Senator shirt :0)
Valentine's Day for us is still to be continued but it is nice to celebrate our new found love for our baby girl.

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