The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend in Boise

This last weekend we went to Boise to celebrate Hayden's birthday as well as visit Kaisley's newest cousin Sophia. First we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa McGowen's house for lunch and saw family. It was good to see them all. Afterwards we headed over to Tiff and Jon's house for Hayden's 3rd birthday party. Hayden got an awesome sand/water table from Amanda and Bobby and Kaisley LOVED it. We will definitely be getting her one! Hayden is such a little sweetie and he loved the gift that we gave him: a Tomas the Train train carrier and Hot Wheels. We wish we could've stayed longer but we had to get back home to the puppies who are three weeks old. They are a lot of work and we will rest easier when we find them good homes!
Kaisley with Grandma Geer and her cousin who is 6 days older than her.

likes to eat off of Mom and Dad's plates

Baby Sophia

Audry and I with the cousins

Grandpa McGowen was really the only one Kais was content to be with all day.

Grandma and Grandpa Geer

Tiff is 4 months prego, they are having another BOY in September! Baby Hollister!


LOVES the water! It was pretty hot so we slathered her up in sun screen and let her loose!

April Happenings

The weather has been so nice lately that Kaisley, Kohl, and I have been going for runs at least four times a week. Kaisley loves to go to the park and swing on the swings. We have lots of visitors that Kais loves to play with. She now has seven teeth: four on top with three on bottom. She still needs the confidence of a hand when walking, although she doesn't need it for balance much. Her hair is long enough for a single ponytail on the top of her head now and she actually doesn't put up a fight to let mom do it! Aunt Monica is over a lot to babysit between when I go to work and Kiley gets off of work. Monica does a great job with Kaisley and Kais loves to play with her. She is sneaky now and is always getting into things. We had to put locks on the cabinets when I found her inside my bathroom cabinet! She was laughing when I found her and bouncing up and down. Silly girl! We got her an elephant that blows balls in the air and she loves it, except first thing when she wakes up, she finds it too much to take in then. Kiley has been playing a trick with Kais where they blow back and forth in each others faces. I watched Kaisley tip the elephant over and it was blowing air in her face.... so she blew air right back at it! haha....

first ponytail!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kaisley's first Easter

Although I had to work that night, Easter was wonderful! Kaisley got a new Easter Dress as well as some books and hair bows. She was so funny to watch find Easter eggs! The Easter bunny had left some inside the house on the floor and places where she could stand and reach. She would spot one and crawl really fast to get it, shake it, and even OPEN them to get to the baby cereal treats inside! We were surprised that she was so into it! Kaisley got gifts from her Aunt Jenny as well as Grandpa Koski, Grandma Dee, and Grandma and Grandpa Geer. This lil one is spoiled but who can resist her?!? We have a tradition with the neighbors that we call "cone wars." It started when Jake took a large traffic cone and put it in the bed of Kiley's truck. Since then it has been put on top of roofs, made into a snowman, Santa Clause, tied to a dog, and even had a music video made. It was our turn to do something so we put it in their front yard with a sign for their daughter Kara Leigh to have her own little Easter egg hunt. It was cute to watch her race around to find the eggs with treats and goodies inside. We are so blessed to have the lives that we do and we try to remember what Easter really represents. We thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all of our many blessings and for the ability to spend eternity with our loved ones.

My Birthday

Last Friday I turned 24. It was a good day since I had Friday and Saturday off to celebrate! Kiley got me Photoshop and new cross-training shoes. I have been working out in my running shoes which is a little difficult since the cushioning is so thick it is hard to pivot and move different directions. They are awesome and super light! Monica gave me a gift card to Hastings so I bought the last book of The Hunger Games which I had not read yet. My Aunt Jenny gave me a new camera! I had been using one I got for Christmas in Jr High for most of my pictures since it isn't very convenient to use my nice camera for quick special moments. My mom and dad gave me money and I bought new workout clothes with it. I am two pounds away from losing a whopping 50 pounds since I had Kaisley! My dad bought us dinner from Carinos and we brought it to my house for everyone to eat. Best Birthday ever since I was able to spend it with my two loves: Kaisley Mae and my wonderful husband!
Kaisley Loves her Uncle Jason and Riley

Riley was her favorite that day

Grandma reading Kaisley a book

My ice cream cake was delicious

Monday, April 2, 2012

April Fool's Day

Although we didn't pull any pranks on each other, we did get one messy surprise from Kais... when she woke up from her nap she had poop smeared all the way up to her hair! It took two of us to get her cleaned up. It was also General Conference weekend so we were able to listen to some talks and then Grandma and Grandpa Gillette and Uncle Jason came to visit. The puppies are almost a week old and very active.  We are starting to teach Kaisley sign language and I do the My Baby Can Read books and DVDs with her and Kaila during the day. It's a blessing to not have to put Kaisley in daycare and we know what she is doing everyday.

silly girl

My Baby Can Read DVD

Kaisley's cousins

Towards the end of March, Kaisley's cousins came to visit. Blake, Tiffany, and Cassidy came to Gooding to stay with Aunt Jenny during their Spring Break to learn how to ski. Lexi came by to see Kaisley and the new puppies. 12 were born but the runt died. Now we have 1 yellow male, 2 yellow females, 5 black females, and 3 black males. Life is pretty busy!