The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Monday, April 23, 2012

April Happenings

The weather has been so nice lately that Kaisley, Kohl, and I have been going for runs at least four times a week. Kaisley loves to go to the park and swing on the swings. We have lots of visitors that Kais loves to play with. She now has seven teeth: four on top with three on bottom. She still needs the confidence of a hand when walking, although she doesn't need it for balance much. Her hair is long enough for a single ponytail on the top of her head now and she actually doesn't put up a fight to let mom do it! Aunt Monica is over a lot to babysit between when I go to work and Kiley gets off of work. Monica does a great job with Kaisley and Kais loves to play with her. She is sneaky now and is always getting into things. We had to put locks on the cabinets when I found her inside my bathroom cabinet! She was laughing when I found her and bouncing up and down. Silly girl! We got her an elephant that blows balls in the air and she loves it, except first thing when she wakes up, she finds it too much to take in then. Kiley has been playing a trick with Kais where they blow back and forth in each others faces. I watched Kaisley tip the elephant over and it was blowing air in her face.... so she blew air right back at it! haha....

first ponytail!

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