The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The Easter Bunny found us while we were camping! Kaisley went out first thing and immediately found her first egg. We gave her a basket and told her to find another one and she put it in her basket and went searching! Once she found out there was candy in them she would stop to eat them before looking for the next. She also got another basket with a purse, bracelet, candy, and stickers along with a new coloring book. She is obsessed with coloring!

New Camper!

Well, we did it. We bought a camper! Kiley's new work schedule is on call until midnight for 12 days on and 2 days off so we figured without a camper we would never do anything this summer. Especially with a potty trained 2 year old and a newborn! We love it! What sold us on it is that there is space in a corner for a pack n play for Kaisley to sleep in without it being in the way. We took it to Bell Rapids in Hagerman over Easter weekend and went fishing with Grandma and Grandpa, Lexi, and Aunt Jenny.

Month 8

This month is a little more difficult. I am running out of energy and feel like my legs are swollen and full of led! My morning sickness is back for good and I was getting sick for almost two weeks straight after I ate. I started to get nauseous at work and overheat. Kiley and I decided that it would probably be best if I took off from work a little earlier than planned for maternity leave. My belly is measuring a little small so we had another ultrasound and will have one more in two weeks to measure his growth. Everything looks good, he will just be smaller when he is born like Kaisley was. Even with a full nights rest I find it hard not to take a nap if the oppurtunity presents itself. I am so glad that Kiley is home because I really need his help these days!

I was going to use a different picture but decided that this one best describes how I feel this month! Tired, hair and makeup wild, and a cranky toddler on my hip! Haha...

Dad is HOME!

Kiley went to Ohio for ATM training again for two weeks. The first week went by really fast for us and we thought it would be a breeze. I even had a yard sale with my friend Jessica. The next week however, was MISERABLE. Kaisley had started throwing tantrums and whining like CRAZY all week. We later decided that it must have been the crazy schedule we had the last few months with Kiley being gone because she eventually went back to normal. It was really hard for me to adjust that last week. I missed Kiley terribly and it was hard not having him there to turn to to help me make parenting decisions about Kaisley. I felt like I needed confirmation that I was doing the right things for her.
Kiley's flight was delayed from SLC to Twin by two hours but we surprised him at the airport. We made a sign that Kaisley colored for him. When Kais finally saw him she squealed and was struggling to get out of my arms to get to him. She was SO excited! She gave him the biggest hug and looked back at his face and held it with both hands and gave him kisses over and over. She was the showstopper of everyone at the airport! I started crying and wished that I had it on film. She really missed her Dad!

waiting in the car for the flight

running around

so cuddly with her Dad

finally together again!

Kaisley at 21 Months

Kaisley is a busy, busy girl!
She loves:
COUNTING TO 10 (sometimes skipping 4 and 7)
SESAME STREET (or "sesee")
We have our hands full with this little girl!
Dad reading to Kais and Kaila

so excited to be outside at the park


loves to help with baby Lauren

counting rocks

ate all the apples before she touched anything else

pretty girl

Easter card and stickers from Aunt Laura and Nick