The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Little About Me

This year has been a big year for our family. Not only did Kiley start his new job and our family expanded with the addition of Mr. Kashton, but I also graduated with my degree in Corporate Training and Development. This has been a major accomplishment for me. I have always wanted to complete my Bachelor's degree. Not only for myself, but also for my family. I wanted to serve as an example to my children the importance of an education and also to be able to support our family if something were to happen to Kiley where he couldn't work anymore. I put in a lot of work to finish school. I was always a full time student, but the last two semesters were particularly difficult because I was pregnant, had a busy 1 year old, and was also working. Kashton was born the Sunday before finals week of my last semester of school. His due date was actually my graduation day!
I was blessed to be able to spend 6 wonderful months at home with our children, but it came time to go back to work and start paying off those hospital bills and student loans! I applied for a few positions but none of them panned out. Since Kiley works with banks he would tell me that if I worked for anyone, he would want me to work for Idaho Central Credit Union. He said that they are always so happy and friendly and that he enjoys being there. Soon after they were hiring for a Financial Service Officer and I applied. The next week Kiley was talking to Brett, one of the managers, and Brett asked him if he knew anyone looking for a job. Kiley said, "well actually, I think my wife applied last week." Three weeks later I started my new job. I absolutely LOVE it! EVERYONE there is amazing and it helps that we have great products and don't "push" things onto our members. I like being at work, which makes it easier to be away from the kiddos. I am also very excited for the resources that I have access to and how this career change is going to affect us financially. Anyways, life is good. Nothing worth having ever comes easy!!

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