The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Lights Parade

Last Friday we were in the Festival of Lights Parade. We also had Lexi staying the weekend with us so it made it even more fun. Kais and Lexi rode on the trailer and their job was to fill our bags with candy and we would go hand them out to the crowd. Kaisley soon figured out that she could eat the candy and no one would mind. It was pretty funny how ravenous she was with it. I am not sure she has ever had that much candy in her whole life. Needless to say, she thought it was the best day ever!

Thanksgiving Day

Kiley decided that this year he would like to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my family. He did an amazing job! The only thing that Kaisley, Kashton, and I did was make a jello salad. :)
My parents, Monica, Adam, and Jason came over. After dinner Kiley, Jason, my Dad, and I went to Walmart to get a couple of TVs. Kiley and I got the TVs pretty quickly and ended up waiting in the parking lot for Jason and Dad. While we were waiting, we witnessed a beat up car (worth maybe $2,000,) leaving with two of the $700 TVs stacked on top of the car without anything strapping them down! The driver and the passenger just had their arms out of the windows trying to keep them from falling off! I wish we could've gotten a picture.
It was a good day though. As always, I wish I had gotten more pictures of family.

First Haircut!

Kaisley and I had a girls day. We went to get her haircut, got flu shots (yuck,) and then went to her dance class. I was so proud of how brave she was for her first official haircut. She held really still and afterwards the hairstylist gave her Anna pigtail braids.


Halloween was a blast! Kaisley had decided in September that she wanted to be Cinderella for Halloween and Laura and I picked out Kashton's Ninja costume the night before. :)
We went to a festival at Jungle Jim's. It was the first year they ever had a party there so there were lots of things to do but not really any crowds. There were lots of rides for the kids, a lady that made balloon animals, and even Elsa and Anna from Frozen were there! Kaisley had the best night of her life. Kashton just ran for all of the cute girls that he knew would give him candy. We always joke about Kashton's little attitude. He had a balloon animal that he would bite until every section was popped. It is so like him to just have a balloon explode in his face and for him to not even blink. Kashton doesn't care. After Jungle Jim's we went back to Nick and Laura's and went trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.

I really didn't realize that we didn't take any pictures of Nick and Laura. They were so great to let our camper take up half of their driveway and for them to entertain us all week. One evening they even watched the kids while we had a date night and went to a comedy club. We love Aunt Laura and Uncle Nick!

Thanksgiving Point

We decided to go to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. The most fun the kids had was playing with the styrofoam building blocks at the beginning of the exhibit. They both had moments that were full of fun but we had pushed them to exhaustion so they were so up and down at any given moment. At one point in the middle Kaisley exclaimed that she hated dinosaurs. Huh.