The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Month of November for Miss Kaisley

This month Kaisley has mastered some skills and learned new ones. She now constantly plays with her feet and pulls her footies of her jammas into her mouth. She is mastering rolling over (she didn't roll over for two weeks after the first time she did it), and she had her first food, rice cereal. She was pretty funny when she was eating it, she had a disgusted look on her face and seemed like she was gagging trying to get the taste out of her mouth! We had mixed it with formula but promised her that next week she could try some other yummy food.
Loves to sit on her Dad's lap and look around. We love these jammas that Aunt Laura gave her.

Kaisley doesn't let people hold her like this very often so we had to get a picture. She was all smiles with Uncle Jason!

Grandpa is soooo funny!

Kaisley rolling over...

...still going!

You can tell she is growing more hair here :0)

YES, these feet ARE this fun!

She curls her fingers into her toes

She could do this all day

First food: Rice Cereal! Mom and Dad did this by the book, poor girl, no sneaks of tastes until we get this out of the way!

Not sure what to think....

.....and there it goes!

Disappointed that her mom would make her do that! I tasted it and understood why she was giving me that face :0)

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