The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Monday, November 21, 2011

Visiting Relatives in Gooding

Kiley's Grandparents are in Gooding this month, so we are visiting every weekend. Kiley, Aunt Jenny, and Great Grandpa Koski went hunting often while Kaisley, Grandma Koski, and I stayed at Aunt Jenny's. Grandma cooked and I crocheted as much as we could all while enjoying Kaisley Mae.

Right before we leave for Gooding

Just Hanging Out

LoVEs to watch the fire

Talking to Aunt Jenny

Always the center of attention

Kiley and the Kaisley Burrito

Kaisley and Aunt Jenny

Kaisley and Grandpa Koski

Four Generations. It was harder to get Great Grandpa to look at the camera than it was Kaisley :0)

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