The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This year we spent Thanksgiving at Aunty Jenny's in Gooding. We went up Wednesday evening for a turkey dinner because Kiley's brother Don came down to visit from Boise and we stayed the night. Kiley, Grandpa K, Great Grandpa K, and Dwayne when hunting Thanksgiving morning and we had a ham dinner that night. Aunt Lempi, Mike, Jake, Chris and his wife Tiffany, Dwayne and Rita, Grandma and Grandpa Koski, and Aunt Jenny were there.
Kara and Kaila came over to visit before we left for Gooding :0)

Dinner Wednesday night

Kaisley meeting her Uncle Don for the first time

Aunt Lempi

LoVEs her teething ring

Everyone wanted to feed Kaisley sweet potatoes. This was her first food other than rice cereal. I didn't realize they were cooked in brown sugar, hopefully she will eat other veggies still.

Grandpa and Grandma Gillette, Laura, and Jason came to visit as well. Kaisley loves her Grandpa!

She likes to touch his mustache :0)

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