The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Good Riddance January!

January was a crazy month for us. Kaisley had a double ear infection and an allergic reaction to her antibiotic which was amoxicillin. I started school which means that I have to drive two hours to Pocatello for a three hour class and then drive home (hopefully the professor will work with me on this). I also switched to day shifts so that we can have more family time together and so Kaisley can have play time with other kids. This is a big adjustment to our income. Kiley fell in a snowy parking lot and broke two bones and tore a tendon. We are hoping that Worker's Compensation is going to cover the injury. He had to wear a boot for four weeks, and then wear a brace for a year, and possible surgery after a year. We are getting a second opinion on this. I had a horrible fever and then sinus infection that I had to get on antibiotics for and Kiley has been fighting a cold for two weeks. Kiley was also out of town for two weeks in Canton, Ohio for ATM training where he got food poisoning. We were thankful for Skype but it was a big adjustment in our house not having him here. It is also tax season so I have been working with my Dad's accountant to get the business taxes taken care of which has involved a few long, sleepless nights trying to get work done.
This having been said, we have a bright outlook for the rest of 2013 and are so glad January is over!!

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