The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Health News

So when we had our 20 week ultrasound, we were really excited to find out the sex of the baby and to find out if he/she was healthy. We had the ultrasound and found out he was a boy and the technician kept saying how everything looked good and we were thrilled. No bad news. UNTIL the Dr. came in. The Dr. told us that the baby had two calcium deposits on his heart (otherwise known as Echogenic Intracardiac Focus). He told us that it doesn't affect the way the heart functions and that it only occurs in about one in every thousand normal babies. BUT most babies with Downs Syndrome have this condition, and it is considered to be an indicator of the chromosomal abnormality. We were shocked. The Dr. suggested I take a blood test to get a final answer but that would be up to us. We decided to think about it.
They didn't print a picture for us, but here is an example.

Anyone who knows me well knows that when I was pregnant with Kaisley I read four books just to try to prepare myself to be the best parent that I could be. We both knew that our love for our baby would not change, no matter what his condition was. We knew that even if he had Downs, he is a child of God and we would be blessed to be his parents. He would still be active and have a fulfilling life. But we both knew that we would want the extra time before his birth to do the research and better prepare ourselves to parent such a special spirit.

It was about two months from the time of the ultrasound until today when we finally got the test results back: NEGATIVE!! We are so overjoyed, and know how blessed we are to have two healthy children. This has given us a new perspective on being parents and we hope to become better from it.

1 comment:

  1. Kiley and Melissa,
    You are an inspiration. I can imagine what you have gone through in the last months. Thank you for sharing your news with us. You are wonderful parents and any child will be lucky to have you.
    Love you guys, aunt Lempi
