The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Month 9

Month 9
This post is a long one! This month I still have morning sickness. I feel a little swollen but I also don't feel near as big as I was with Kaisley. I have stopped working at Applebee's (YAY) and am finishing up my last semester of school. This month was also a little scary. Kash had an ultrasound to measure growth and his legs and belly were a few weeks behind his head. Off the charts too small for his age. Dr. Packham was the Dr. who saw this ultrasound and immediately had me do a stress test to measure fetal movement. The test sounds worse than it actually is. They strap a monitor to your belly to measure the heart beats, give you a glass of water and a button to push every time you feel him move. Dr. Packham was a little surprised at how much he was moving (not me, he moves A LOT) and said that everything looked good, for now, but I would have to come in every three days for an ultrasound and stress test to make sure that nothing changes. The thing that he was concerned about was not that Kash was small, but that his growth was not proportionate, which is usually an indicator of an underlying problem and puts him at a greater risk factor for other things. The word he used was being stillborn. Dr. Packham was actually a little odd and Kiley didn't really care for him. He was also the one who told us about the Kash possibly having Downs Syndrome. He is a good Dr., it's just that his way of giving you potentially bad information is a little dramatic. This appointment was two days before I was 37 weeks, which is when I had Kaisley. Needless to say I scheduled my next appointment with Dr. Astin, who delivered Kaisley and is my favorite.  
                When I saw Astin he reassured me that this wasn't a huge deal but that we would need to continue the stress tests and it would be best if we scheduled an induction after 38 weeks just to reduce the risk of something happening late in the pregnancy. We scheduled a date for Wednesday, May 1st so that he could induce me himself and deliver Kash. Astin did say though that it would be much better for me to go into labor on my own than to come in and be induced.

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