The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Friday, May 25, 2012

My First Mother's Day

Poor Kaisley had a low grade fever on Mother's Day. We were planning on going on a picnic to see Cauldrin Lin since we haven't been there before but we stayed home to keep Kaisley comfortable. And it was still a good Mother's Day! Kiley bought me a new patio furniture set AND built me a cover for the back patio! For anyone who hasn't been to our home, the back of our house faces the West and there is virtually NO shade. This makes it REALLY hot in the summer. Since there is a time of day that the cover will not provide shade when the sun is going down, Kiley put up a pull down Coolaroo and it works great! We also planted strawberries, green peppers, and tomatoes that are hanging from the cover and I hope that they produce good fruit and veggies this year. Kiley also bought little dragonfly lights to hang up that are really cute. All and all it was a pretty decent Mother's Day. I love my little family and the angel that Kaisley is. So blessed to be her Mom!

Kaisley at 11 Months

Kaisley is quite the character these days. This month has been the busiest yet. She is almost walking and is saying her first words: "hot" and "wiggle." She probably gets "hot" from her dad because he is constantly saying how hot he is and there is a popular song that says "wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggleyeah" that I would say to her every time I would change her diaper so she probably got that from me :0) She won't say momma or dadda though. We got her a toy to push around and she is so close to walking on her own now. The furthest she has walked without help is three steps. She will get there soon. Every morning I get her from her crib and take her to the living room to give her a bottle. It never fails that she sneezes twice before she gets to the bottle. I'm wondering if it is because the light is bright coming in from the window because she doesn't ever sneeze the rest of the day. She is still wearing 6-9month size in clothes and still doesn't fit into 3-6 month size shoes. Her last Dr. Appointment in the middle of May she weighed 18lbs 10 oz. She bounces to music and when her toys are playing songs she will stop and put her hands behind her back until they are done playing. This was also the first month that Kailey has been sick. She had a low grade fever for three days and broke out into a rash. It was Roseola and went away on its own but poor Kaisley was uncomfortable for almost a week and didn't have much of an appetite.  Her hair is at an akward length. It is long enough to put in a ponytail on the top of her head and the back of her head but not long enough for one ponytail or pigtails. I could put a barrette in it to keep it to the side but I don't want her to pull it out of her hair and try to eat it, SO he have a little bit of a mess right now :0) I also took some fun pictures of her to send out for her 1st birthday party invitations. I have posted a few of those as well.

Uncle Kiley and Kaisley's cousin Sophia

Monday, May 7, 2012

Grandma Renee's Mother's Day Party

Yesterday we went to Declo for Grandma Renee's Mother's Day Party. First we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa Gillette's house for french toast, bacon, and sausage and visited with family. Laura and her boyfriend Nick came up from SLC for the weekend. Saturday they climbed all day at the City of Rocks. They are both really into the outdoors and go mountain biking, cycling, skiing, rock climbing, and hiking together. We went to Aunt Natalie's house for the party and the weather was so beautiful. I felt sooo bad for Kaisley because I had only brought warm clothes (sweaters, long sleeve shirts, boots, warm hat) and we were outside all day. Jason and I ran to the Family Dollar to get her a new sunhat (even though she has 4 at home) to protect her head and block the sun from her eyes. It was so good to see family. Tiffany's little belly has grown and Crystal and Travis announced that they are having a baby too! It's due date is only 2 months after baby Hollister! Kiley let Kaisley play in the dirt and she had the funnest time until she fell and scratched her cheek. Kaisley LOVEs her cousin Ally though and Ally loves her too! She took her for lots of rides in the golf cart and Kais loved it. Everyone wanted to feed Kais food and Kiley said she ate almost a whole piece of chicken by herself. It was so wonderful to spend time with family and I can't wait to see them all again!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Kohl had 12 puppies in March, the runt unfortunately died but now we have 11 that are ready to go to new homes. However, there is a yellow male who wants to stay. He follows Kiley everywhere and even comes when called but last Sunday he really put on a show for us... Aunt Jenny and Lexi came by to visit and see the puppies. The yellow one (who we named Mac) sat in Kaisley's lap and cuddled up to her. Kais grabbed his face with fingers in both of his eyes and mouth and he didn't move one bit. Even after she let go he snuggled up to her. Right after that he laid on my feet the way that Kohl did when we picked her. Even after all of that Kaisley was crawling across the grass and he belly crawled beside her a whole 5 ft until she stopped. He kept looking over even! We were really not planning on keeping one, especially a male OR a yellow one for that matter but it looks like he picked us!! We let him inside the house yesterday and he had no accidents and slept in Kohl's crate without whining almost the whole night! He only woke up at 6 a.m. and wanted out (after 8 hours without a peep). We are still a little torn because it will be a lot of work but we are pretty sure Mac will be a good addition to our family.

Kais and Lexi

Kohl and Kais watching the puppies

So many! even missing one in this pic

Kais trying to get their attention

Kais and Aunt Jenny

Goodbye April

Kaisley was 9 months for the majority of April and it has been one of the funnest times yet! She has a great little personality and loves to play. She is really into books and she will always sit down and listen while I read with a huge smile on her face. We have child proof locks on most of the cabinets but currently have scotch tape on the drawers until we put some there :0) Kiley and I went to the Supercross in Salt Lake City with my dad, Jason, Jason's girlfriend Riley, Laura and her boyfriend Nick. It was a fun experience and once the races started it was a blast. Grandma Gillette volunteered to watch Kaisley at our house so that she would be more comfortable than going all the way to SLC. Kais did really well for her Grandma and we had a lot of fun. Nick and Laura took us to an authentic Mexican restaurant Saturday night called the Red Iguana and it was delicious. We were planning on doing some fun activities Sunday morning before heading home but Kiley and I were homesick for Kaisley and Dad missed Mom pretty badly too so we just drove home.
Helping Aunt Monica open her Birthday present from us

Kaisley and Kaila

Best Buddies!

She LOVES our cell phones. She stole my phone, called her Dad, put him on speakerphone. The conversation went: "Hello? (babble) Hi Kaisley, how are you honey? (babble) REALLY? That's cool. (babble) Okay, well I'm working sweetie so I'll talk to you later, be good for your mom, k? (babble)" I just had to sit and laugh listening to them.

Waiting for the races to start (we waited 7 hours!) Watching them warm up.

Sitting in the sun was nice because it was so cold.

Laura and I getting hot chocolate

Eating at the Red Iguana