The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kaisley at 11 Months

Kaisley is quite the character these days. This month has been the busiest yet. She is almost walking and is saying her first words: "hot" and "wiggle." She probably gets "hot" from her dad because he is constantly saying how hot he is and there is a popular song that says "wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggleyeah" that I would say to her every time I would change her diaper so she probably got that from me :0) She won't say momma or dadda though. We got her a toy to push around and she is so close to walking on her own now. The furthest she has walked without help is three steps. She will get there soon. Every morning I get her from her crib and take her to the living room to give her a bottle. It never fails that she sneezes twice before she gets to the bottle. I'm wondering if it is because the light is bright coming in from the window because she doesn't ever sneeze the rest of the day. She is still wearing 6-9month size in clothes and still doesn't fit into 3-6 month size shoes. Her last Dr. Appointment in the middle of May she weighed 18lbs 10 oz. She bounces to music and when her toys are playing songs she will stop and put her hands behind her back until they are done playing. This was also the first month that Kailey has been sick. She had a low grade fever for three days and broke out into a rash. It was Roseola and went away on its own but poor Kaisley was uncomfortable for almost a week and didn't have much of an appetite.  Her hair is at an akward length. It is long enough to put in a ponytail on the top of her head and the back of her head but not long enough for one ponytail or pigtails. I could put a barrette in it to keep it to the side but I don't want her to pull it out of her hair and try to eat it, SO he have a little bit of a mess right now :0) I also took some fun pictures of her to send out for her 1st birthday party invitations. I have posted a few of those as well.

Uncle Kiley and Kaisley's cousin Sophia

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