The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Friday, May 4, 2012


Kohl had 12 puppies in March, the runt unfortunately died but now we have 11 that are ready to go to new homes. However, there is a yellow male who wants to stay. He follows Kiley everywhere and even comes when called but last Sunday he really put on a show for us... Aunt Jenny and Lexi came by to visit and see the puppies. The yellow one (who we named Mac) sat in Kaisley's lap and cuddled up to her. Kais grabbed his face with fingers in both of his eyes and mouth and he didn't move one bit. Even after she let go he snuggled up to her. Right after that he laid on my feet the way that Kohl did when we picked her. Even after all of that Kaisley was crawling across the grass and he belly crawled beside her a whole 5 ft until she stopped. He kept looking over even! We were really not planning on keeping one, especially a male OR a yellow one for that matter but it looks like he picked us!! We let him inside the house yesterday and he had no accidents and slept in Kohl's crate without whining almost the whole night! He only woke up at 6 a.m. and wanted out (after 8 hours without a peep). We are still a little torn because it will be a lot of work but we are pretty sure Mac will be a good addition to our family.

Kais and Lexi

Kohl and Kais watching the puppies

So many! even missing one in this pic

Kais trying to get their attention

Kais and Aunt Jenny

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