The Koski's Est. 2008

The Koski's Est. 2008

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Busy Sunday

Last Sunday we got to use Kaisley's Birthday Present from Aunt Laura: A hiking backpack for Kaisley to ride in! We are planning on doing big hikes in the Sun Valley area but wanted to do a smaller 3 mile hike test run in the South Hills first. It was a rough start because Kais missed her first nap and we figured out that she wanted me to carry her first so I packed her up the hill. She slept for about 20 minutes and right when we turned around she woke up. Kiley packed her down the hill which was probably a good thing because my legs were really tired and I slipped myself a couple of times. It was a beautiful hike and I had so much fun though. Hiking is one of my favorite things to do. After we got home and later that evening we had a real mess on our hands. Monica has been doing laundry at our house and put her detergent on top of the washer with the vent cap loosened. When the laundry was going it spilled the soap all over the floor. And i mean ALL OVER! All the way against the wall under the appliances. Our laundry room is really small so it was really hard to maneauver the applicances around. It was such a tight squeeze that only I could fit behind them. It took a laundry basket's worth of towels to soak up the mess and we couldn't just wash them because the appliances are HE and aren't supposed to take more than 2 tbl spoons of detergent at a time. It took about 2 hours to get things cleaned up. I know that being a mom has made me a better person because I was really patient about the whole thing and didn't let it get me frustrated.

Kaisley sleeping

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